Icmelerites Slimming Progress

For all your hints and tips to make your holiday to Turkey as easy and as comfortable as possible.

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Re: Icmelerites Slimming Progress

Postby redrhino12 » 20 Mar 2014 15:02

My wife is with slimming world and maintained this week,but she has been gradually losing weight for a while now and lost about 3 stone since she started.I have also been trying to lose weight so that I can wear my cozzy on the beach but not having much success,I like my choccy to much.Good luck with the weight losses everyone.
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Re: Icmelerites Slimming Progress

Postby daisysun » 03 Apr 2014 11:02

redrhino12 wrote:My wife is with slimming world and maintained this week,but she has been gradually losing weight for a while now and lost about 3 stone since she started.I have also been trying to lose weight so that I can wear my cozzy on the beach but not having much success,I like my choccy to much.Good luck with the weight losses everyone.

Slimming world is good for people who like chocolate as you just count them into your daily sins and you can have your "choc fix" thats my weakness - chocolate, ive a very sweet tooth, sometimes using sins to have chocolate is good but at other times it makes it harder as once i have the taste of it i want to eat more that im allowed lol so sometimes not having it at all lol
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Re: Icmelerites Slimming Progress

Postby dragon » 01 Mar 2015 12:17

Has anyone started a diet/healthy eating this year yet? I started on 1st February and after losing 8lbs hit a plateau. I've now lost a further 5lbs but just hope I haven't hit another plateau as this is when I reach out for the chocolate :(

I'm trying the slimming world diet and trying to think of it as a lifestyle change and not a diet. So far, so good. My major problem is that due to my disability I am unable to exercise so it has to be food intake only.

As it's St David's day I can have a few welshcakes today :)
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